We help you donate to the right people. We work towards finding every donor an organisation that best suits their interest and needs and vice versa. We help donors and organisations meet their perfect match
Committed to offering a broad range of unique and exclusive natural stones, facilitating the ideal choice of material.
Since its inception in 1994, it has been the only company to supply more than 150 million square feet of imported marble in the country. CMC is also the biggest supplier of natural and exotic marble along with other stones like travertine’s, onyx, and limestone which are procured from the finest quarries in the world. An ISO 9001:2015, 14001:2015, 45001:2018 certified company. CMC is headquartered in Mumbai and operates with exclusive showrooms and stockyards in Silvassa.
We help you donate to the right people. We work towards finding every donor an organisation that best suits their interest and needs and vice versa. We help donors and organisations meet their perfect match
A step towards making a happy place for children. We have created 50 beautiful Agandwadi's across Silavassa in an attempt to create a happier and joyful tomorrow
A new and better world built for the youth. Aiming at creating an environment brimming with opportunities we have step up schools, hospitals, colleges as well as training centres. The future of our nation are the youth, we must equip them with the right tools
Director & Chairman:
Mr. Amit Mafatlal Shah
Director & Member:
Mr. Madaswamy Karuppaswamy Swamy